What is Permanent , What is yours?
Get up , you crawl hintlessly within the perimeter of your bed.
A new day awaits your efforts of wasting it .
or May be live it.
Crawling up today , this flashed across.
what is it that you will accumulate.
what Shall you take with you and declare yourself successful beyond the realms of your life.
What is permanent.
Your job ?
A life in your head that should be like that.
A love That itself needs clarity if it is complete in itself and not based out of convenience or motives?
Social Status?
How many would want a larger gathering when you’re gone.
And how much each of them will miss you in a manner that you think they are important because they think you are important in your life.
Come on, You’ve been there. The Funerals and wakes. Clad in best black. Thinking about that person out of love or with the thought in your head that not focussing on thoughts of the person gone will be immoral.
If the ones who are gone had the superpowers you fear that they might be watching you enjoying the toast a little too much, they must be really furious.
She giggles in a Funeral.
What did the ceremony taught you.
What is permanent.
Did he take that house with him which he spent his life working for?
Did He even lived in it or just bought a bigger one because he should.
Life changes.
faster than your plans.
All the times you have been spending unnecessarily on things that never fruitified has been a time wherein your getting anxious about the out come has never led to any changes to the out come.
Now comes the very important debate.
So you are suggesting that thinking about tomorrow is wrong?
And that it makes no sense to plan ?
Absolutely not.
What in fact I wanted to share was that all the times you have spent worrying about something hasn’t changed the outcome of the problem or a bigger , more important issue has made that little worry of yours look so timid or inconsequential now.
A very good counter to that opposed this very statement.
about a situation in hand.
DO you also suggest that one should not think about the situation to come at a more thought after and informed decision?
Not that too.
Understand it in this sense.
Whenever you’re worried about something, there’s this pattern in which you go around.
You repeat the problem in your head.
Then it revolves in a manner that how should it be . accoding to you.
Later the elements of vengeance and/or sorrow make you feel engrossed about in it , thoughts so accumulated are later to be identified as worrying about something or somebody.
Has worrying about something led to anything fruitful in the past?
Well i couldn’t recall of one. Instead i better have instances where in a more anchored approach to the problem and going over it logically once will generally generate your set of outcomes or opinions about it.
If there is something to be sour about, so be it. How has your worrying ever changed anything that was about to happen.
Many a times we find out that because the life is so dynamic all the elements may not be constant.
If I had to choose between worrying about today or daydreaming about tomorrow, I will definitely choose Thinking about a brighter tomorrows and motivating myself to reach my dreams.
This again is a belief. Subject to change and so unsure because the coming tomorrows are full of surprises.
so what is my choice based on?
Understanding that there is nothing permanent and that the loss of someone or something is nothing out of this world.
We all come to play our part. The affections that remain are priceless. and the life that we lived.
How long you lived is not so important. (This thing is very important and needs to be understood.)
How you lived , whatever you lived is your life. Find out more about What is Living enough ,
All that was taken was taken from this planet and changing roles we go back to where we came from.
You earn , you’re rich , you pamper this human form.
Take your physical self to Air-conditioned offices and call it being rich. Exploit it with alcohol and say you enjoyed.
Pop a pill to get some high , what are odds , THIS , Ain’t a lie.
You have social stigmas, Things should be done in a certain manner because people expect it from you.
You’re wearing that itchy dress cause its fashion. Oh no , we just spoke about physical comfort.
It is very unimportant as to which lifestyle do you follow. What is important is may be , How are you living that part of your life.
Not comfort wise , Conduct wise.
Yes, there’s an absolute way of life too.
Morally correct. Ethically right.
Having your own set of values that define you as a person.
Believing in those thresholds.
No matter what the circumstances may dictate, holding onto that because may be others laugh at it, But within their hearts they envy the truth that they can not live.
because they are too tied up with convenience.
because they might be waiting for their time.
Others are called others because they are others and not you. No one can be you.
So, it is imperative that you choose your style of life that is based on values that you truly believe in and then stand by them .
Rough them.
Refine them as you grow and your understanding changes opinions in the process.
This my friend, is working on one’s self.
This my friend, is living your life.