How to make a beer Bottle Chandelier
The place was made of love.
It was more about People than of the place itself.
and this realization came in slowly. You ll get to know more later about the story, Let’s focus on this post which is again an effort towards recycling and believing in sustainability .
Waste Beer Bottles.
Instead of asking who all drink beer , let’s frame it like , do you get beers to your place? Or is there a beer shop /bar nearby who would gladly give away the used bottles to you?
If the answer is No, its probably time for you to host a party!
Then we need some bamboo, which is universally available. Don’t crave for very long or very thick ones because even the thin ones or not so big ones can be tied up.
To get the authentic feel , we used the coir rope made out of either Jute or Coconut Fibers. You can also use Hemp , Manilla or any available rope. Try not using Polypropylene or polyester based ropes as it would defeat the purpose.
Normal flexible metal wire with decent strength and thickness. It’s available at any hardware store near you.
In this particular version we have tried the model which keeps the requirement of various tools to minimum. The effort was to make it easy and fun keeping in hindsight the expenditure .
- Pliers. Simple pliers whichever you can get your hands on , which can be used for working with a metal wire.
- Wire Cutter. The Plier should have in itself an arrangement of snipping desired length of wire but if not, keep a pair of good cutter to cut the metal wire.
- A pair of scissors. Required to cut the desired length of ropes.
Starting Off for the preparations of making a Beer Bottle Chandelier
Take a stock of all your available bottles.
Arrange them according to Number and size and the way you would want the beer bottle Chandelier to look like.
The Number of bottles will decide your Diameter of the Chandelier.
Place them on a flat surface and check your arrangement.
Try to Mix and match, keeping in mind of keeping the bottles of same Size in the same ring.
Arrange multiple concentric rings as you desire depending on the availability of bottles, the space that you are going to hang it and the load bearing capacity of the strong point.
Diving into the act of making a Beer Bottle Chandelier
- Split the bamboo using any sharp metal tool such as this.
The thickness of the split can be proportionate to the load its going to take,Keeping in mind that we are going to use the bamboo to bend it and make the frame.
So ideally, the outermost ring , which will have the maximum weight (owing to the maximum number of bottles) Should be thicker and the inner rings may be chipped accordingly.
Once you’ve got the measurements right, tie the two ends of bamboo in a circular fashion with a metal wire and rope to keep the ring in place.
Repeat to construct smaller concentric rings.
Making the frame for the Beer Bottle Chandelier
- Take the diameter of the bottle in use into consideration and make a little smaller than dia loops such that if the bottle was hung upside down, it wont fall off and the weight would come on ring.
- With the metal wire to make symmetric loops throughout the inner side of circle and repeat the above procedure to get the desired gap between the concentric rings (laterally) and the desired vertical height of your Beer Bottle Chandelier depending on the height of the strong point and the no. of layers of concentric circles.
- Fix Metal wires to avoid unevenness/ stretching of the bamboo ring by placing cross lateral supports diagonally.
- Utilize a rigid structure to hang your frame and work on it.
- Continue to make the inner circular frame till you’re satisfied/ reached the center.
- Use a decorative piece in the center to fill the hollow left in the innermost ring. It can be anything from pine to some big feathers or even a dried bunch of leaves. (Paint it to your taste ).
- Assemble your Chandelier . Place bulb /CFL holders and provide a connection beforehand. Its easy. Use Two or three holders if you plan to make it multi colored or just paint the LED bulb. Use the power rating as desired by the size of your Beer Bottle Chandelier.
- Use thick wires/ ropes to support the mainframe to attach it to strong point.
The most tricky part : Hanging your Beer Bottle Chandelier
By the time you get over with above procedure and smile at the fact that you have successfully recycled many beer bottles, the testing time is yet to come.
it took almost four friends to mount the chandelier on the strong point!
But you might be in luck.
The balcony where we hung it had no space and no proper support for ladder. Make sure you wear a safety harness and tie at least two standby ropes to the mainframe to prevent bottle breaking in the event of fall.
You can also consider placing old Foam / mattresses below the strong point before hanging your pretty looking Beer Bottle Chandelier.
Execute this part in the evening so that your friends dont have to wait how does it looks like!
That’s it!
Place the Bulb/ LED bulbs and Light it up.
Walk to distance , to and fro.Click some pics.
Celebrate with your friends ! Time for Beers! Cheers!
P.S. This post is dedicated to a lovely couple who undertook this challange and created a masterpiece with meagre resources and equipment.
A big Shoutout and a big hug to Al la and Midi for giving us the love.
You can connect with them here in case you get stuck anywhere and feel free to ask any questions .
Love and Light!